
Rebel Moon Connection

Her gaze does not stare directly into his eyes.
She holds up a golden dollar and a mirror so they can both see their physical bodies in this earth.

He wears a stone armor suit for protection.
Four of seven guns are strapped to a chunky silver belt clip around his waist.
Two revolvers rest on each hip. He looks toward the ground
with a diagonally cocked head
that is shifted to the right.

She does not appreciate what is considered "right."

What are you doing?

There are messages that can be heard if you look at the signs.
If you think you are tied down, you are in bondage.
If you believe you are free, you are liberated.

Self-denial is ignorance.
Coupled with fear, these three are = to a disconnect with nature.

A lack of movement or being stuck-in-the-mud can transform
into two shifting tectonic plates that result in an earthquake.
Under these circumstances, nature is destructive.

He is sitting on-the-fence.
He fell off of it and
he landed flat on his belly.
He is laying in the prone position on a sandy beach during a storm.

Ten BB gun pellets sped straight into his back. A
has arisen.

What is the root of anger for rebels?
Rules lead to fury.

He is a bad boy and she is a naughty girl and we are locked up
when we attack ourselves for breaking the rules.

A man and a woman walk along a path underneath the evening moon;
both of them watch an elderly bald man
who travels across a dark mountain with a walking stick
as the light from behind the mound guides him down a hill.

Three fruitful white flowers are blossoming from a root that looks like a wand
Beside an ocean that is roaring, rainbow colored clouds sway above the sea.
As she holds the coin before his eyes, a major sign has become visible.

Silver and gold gold are refined in scorching heat and cold water.
We can swim in this mold even when
Healing is painful.

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